Ongoing Investigations

As many as 26% of the 17.75 million private-sector, nonunion workers subject to forced arbitration, or 4.6 million workers, experienced wage theft in 2019. In addition to legal barriers to recourse, the vast majority of workers experiencing wage theft do not report the violation or seek legal remedies out of fear of retaliation from their employers.
Since the “vast majority of workers experiencing wage theft do not report the violation or seek legal remedies out of fear of retaliation from their employers,” Construction Wage Watch is closely monitoring the following Ongoing Investigations to ensure any crimes committed against workers are properly adjudicated.

Raise Your Voice

Construction Wage Watch encourages anyone experiencing similar conditions to those described in these Case Files to be brave like workers on these construction projects and raise your voice for justice! There are many resources and activists dedicated to fighting for you. Please share your story with us and remember that there is strength and power in numbers!